What We Do
Every Saturday morning, we prepare lunch bags containing a peanut butter and jelly sandwich, drink, snack, and a Bible-based inspirational message. We deliver the bags to underprivileged children, homeless people and some elderly adults throughout Tift County.
During the quarantine period for the COVID-19 pandemic, we have participated in the daily feeding program. From March 16 to May 22, we provided over 43,500 lunches to the children of Tift County by feeding six days a week.
In the past, we have also distributed blankets, gloves, socks, beanies, hand sanitizer, Bibles, and additional food items. We plan to continue these types of distribution when such needs are identified. We also provide special treats and cards on holidays, such as Valentine’s Day, Easter, and Christmas. We also have many opportunities to pray with and witness to individuals on our routes about physical and spiritual needs in their lives.
The federal government measures the poverty rate in Tift County at 40%, and some of our educational leaders feel that the true number is closer to 60%. Many parents do not have the funds to properly feed their children or are unwilling to spend available funds to feed their children. For school-aged children, our bags will help to curb weekend hunger.

Our Story
Envisioned by Harvey Morgan as an outreach program, and with the donation of two vans from PB&J-Lakeland, Ga. upon the termination of their program, we began this ministry in Tifton on September 23, 2017 by distributing 140 lunch bags. We currently deliver as many as 1,750 bags to hungry children every Saturday.
We feel blessed that God has allowed us to be part of a simple, but powerful, ministry. The most under-reached age group for Christ are those between 4-14 years of age. This ministry reaches for the souls of young children and teenagers by including Gospel tracts in the lunch bags, and by being the hands and feet of Jesus while showing love and giving hope just like He did in New Testament times.

Our Ministry
We are committed to sharing the Gospel through action and the Word.
We have multiple affiliate ministries around the country, and we are growing very quickly. Each individual group is expected to follow a general set of guidelines, but each group also does things a little differently. The differences are related to finances, logistics of delivery, area of the country, manpower, etc. For example, some groups operate the ministry every Saturday while others only operate one Saturday per month. Either way, it is a tremendous blessing to those that we feed and a glorious opportunity to share Jesus to those needing hope in our community.

Put PB&J in your Community!
If you are interested in starting this ministry in your community, please contact Tony McBrayer at 229-392-7774.
We will answer any additional questions that you may have — and send you a Peanut Butter & Jesus Start-Up Guide!